Why Would Webpack Stop Re-compiling? (The Quest for Micro-Apps)

Eventbrite is on a quest to convert our “monolith” React application, with 30+ entry points, into individual “micro-apps” that can be developed and deployed individually. We’re documenting this process in a series of posts entitled The Quest for Micro-Apps. You can read the full Introduction to our journey as well as Part 1 – Single App Mode outlining our first steps in improving our development environment.

Here in Part 2, we’ll take a quick detour to a project that occupied our time after Single App Mode (SAM), but before we continued towards separating our apps. We were experiencing an issue where Webpack would mysteriously stop re-compiling and provide no error messaging. We narrowed it down to a memory leak in our Docker environment and discovered a bug in the implementation for cache invalidation within our React server-side rendering system. Interest piqued? Read on for the details on how we discovered and plugged the memory leak!

A little background on our frontend infrastructure

Before embarking on our quest for “micro-apps,” we first had to migrate our React apps to Webpack. Our React applications originally ran on requirejs because that’s what our Backbone / Marionette code used (and still does to this day). To limit the scope of the initial switch to React from Backbone, we ran React on the existing infrastructure. However, we quickly hit the limits of what requirejs could do with modern libraries and decided to migrate all of our React apps over to Webpack. That migration deserves a whole post in itself.

During our months-long migration in 2017 (feature development never stopped by the way), the Frontend Platform team started hearing sporadic reports about Webpack “stopping.” With no obvious reproduction steps, Webpack would stop re-compiling code changes. In the beginning, we were too focused on the Webpack migration to investigate the problem deeply. However, we did find that turning off editor autosave seemed to decrease the occurrences dramatically. Problem successfully punted.

Also the migration to Webpack allowed us to change our React server-side rendering solution (we call it react-render-server or RRS) in our development environment. With requirejs react-render-server used Babel to transpile modules on-demand with babel-register.

if (argv.transpile) {
  // When the `transpile` flag is turned on, all future modules
  // imported (using `require`) will get transpiled. This is 
  // particularly important for the React components written in JSX.
      stage: 0

  reactLogger('Using Babel transpilation');

This code is how we were able to import React files to render components. It was a bit slow but effective. However because Node caches all of its imports, we needed to invalidate the cache each time we made changes to the React app source code. We accomplished this by using supervisor to restart the server every time a source file changed.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

./node_modules/.bin/supervisor \
  --watch /path/to/components \
  --extensions js \
  --poll-interval 5000 \
  -- ./node_modules/react-render-server/server.js \
    --port 8991 \
    --address \
    --verbose \
    --transpile \
    --gettext-locale-path /srv/translations/core \
    --gettext-catalog-domain djangojs

This addition, unfortunately, resulted in a poor developer experience because it took several seconds for the server to restart. During that time, our Django backend was unable to reach RRS, and the development site would be unavailable.

With the switch, Webpack was already creating fully-transpiled bundles for the browser to consume, so we had it create node bundles as well. Then, react-render-server no longer needed to transpile on-demand

Around the same time, the helper react-render library we were using for server-rendering also provided a new --no-cache option which solved our source code caching problem. We no longer needed to restart RRS! It seemed like all of our problems were solved, but little did we know that it created one massive problem for us.

The Webpack stopping problem

In between the Webpack migration and the Single Application Mode (SAM) projects, more and more Britelings were having Webpack issues; their Webpack re-compiling would stop. We crossed our fingers and hoped that SAM would fix it. Our theory was that before SAM we were running 30+ entry points in Webpack. Therefore if we reduced that down to only one or two, we would reduce the “load” on Webpack dramatically.

Unfortunately, we were not able to kill two birds with one stone. SAM did accomplish its goals, including reducing memory usage, but it didn’t alleviate the Webpack stoppages. Instead of continuing to the next phase of our quest, we decided to take a detour to investigate and fix this Webpack stoppage issue once and for all. Any benefits we added in the next project would be lost due to the Webpack stoppages. Eventbrite developers are our users so we shouldn’t build new features before fixing major bugs.

The Webpack stoppage investigations

We had no idea what was causing the issue, so we tried many different approaches to discover the root problem. We were still running on Webpack 3 (v3.10.0 specifically), so why not see if Webpack 4 had some magic code to fix our problem? Unfortunately, Webpack 4 crashed and wouldn’t even compile. We chose not to investigate further in that direction because we were already dealing with one big problem. Our team will return to Webpack 4 later.

Sanity check

First, our DevTools team joined in on the investigations because they are responsible for maintaining our Docker infrastructure. We observed that when Webpack stopped re-compiling, we could still see the source file changes reflected within the Docker container. So we knew it wasn’t a Docker issue.

Reliably reproducing the problem

Next, we knew we needed a way to reproduce the Webpack stoppage quickly and more reliably. Because we observed that editor autosave was a way to cause the stoppage, we created a “rapid file saver” script. It updated dummy files by changing imported functions in random intervals between 200 to 300 milliseconds. This script would update the file before Webpack finished re-compiling just like editor autosave, and enabled us to reproduce the issue within 5 minutes. Running this script essentially became a stress test for Webpack and the rest of our system. We didn’t have a fix, but at least we could verify one when we found it!

var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');

const TEMP_FILE_PATH = path.resolve(__dirname, '../../src/playground/tempFile.js');

// Recommendation: Do not set lower than 200ms 
// File changes that quickly will not allow webpack to finish compiling

const getRandomInRange = (min, max) => (Math.random() * (max - min) + min)
const getTimeout = () => getRandomInRange(REWRITE_TIMEOUT_MIN, REWRITE_TIMEOUT_MAX);

const FILE_VALUES = [
    {name: 'add', content:'export default (a, b) => (a + b);'},
    {name: 'subtract', content:'export default (a, b) => (a - b);'},
    {name: 'divide', content:'export default (a, b) => (a / b);'},
    {name: 'multiply', content:'export default (a, b) => (a * b);'},

let currentValue = 1;
const getValue = () => {
    const value = FILE_VALUES[currentValue];
    if (currentValue === FILE_VALUES.length-1) {
        currentValue = 0;
    } else {
    return value;

const writeToFile = () => {
    const {name, content} = getValue();
    console.log(`${new Date().toISOString()} -- WRITING (${name}) --`);
    fs.writeFileSync(TEMP_FILE_PATH, content);
    setTimeout(writeToFile, getTimeout());


With the “rapid file saver” at our disposal and a stroke of serendipity, we noticed the Docker container’s memory steadily increasing while the files were rapidly changing. We thought that we had solved the Docker memory issues with the Single Application Mode project. However, this did give us a new theory: Webpack stopped re-compiling when the Docker container ran out of memory.

Webpack code spelunking

The next question we aimed to answer was why Webpack 3 wasn’t throwing any errors when it stopped re-compiling. It was just failing silently leaving the developer to wonder why their app wasn’t updating. We began “code spelunking” into Webpack 3 to investigate further.

We found out that Webpack 3 uses chokidar through a helper library called watchpack (v1.4.0) to watch files. We added additional console.log debug statements to all of the event handlers within (transpiled) node_modules, and noticed that when chokidar stopped firing its change event handler, Webpack also stopped re-compiling. But why weren’t there any errors? It turns out that the underlying watcher didn’t pass along chokidar’s error events, so Webpack wasn’t able to log anything when chokidar stopped watching.

The latest version of Webpack 4, still uses watchpack, which still doesn’t pass along chokidar’s error events, so it’s likely that Webpack 4 would suffer from the same error silence. Sounds like an opportunity for a pull request!

For those wanting to nerd out, here is the full rabbit hole:

This whole process was an interesting discovery and a super fun exercise, but it still wasn’t the solution to the problem. What was causing the memory leak in the first place? Was Webpack even to blame or was it just a downstream consequence?


We began looking into our react-render-server and the --no-cache implementation within  react-render, the dependency that renders the components server-side. We discovered that react-render uses decache for its --no-cache implementation to clear the require cache for every request for our app bundles (and their node module dependencies). This was successful in allowing new bundles with the same path to be required, however, decache was not enabling the garbage collection of the references to the raw text code for the bundles.

Whether or not the source code changed, each server-side rendering request resulted in more orphaned app bundle text in memory. With app bundle sizes in the megabytes, and our Docker containers already close to maxing out memory, it was very easy for the React Docker container to run out of memory completely.

We found the memory leak!


We needed a way to clear the cache, and also reliably clear out the memory. We considered trying to make decache more robust, but messing around with the require cache is hairy and unsupported.

So we returned to our original solution of running react-render-server (RRS) with supervisor, but this time being smarter with when we restart the server. We only need to take that step when the developer changes the source files and has already rendered the app. That’s when we need to clear the cache for the next render. We don’t need to keep restarting the server on source file changes if an app hasn’t been rendered because nothing has been cached. That’s what caused the poor developer experience before, as the server was unresponsive because it was always restarting.

Now, in the Docker container for RRS, when in “dynamic mode”, we only restart the server if a source file changes and the developer has a previous version of the app bundle cached (by rendering the component prior). This rule is a bit more sophisticated than what supervisor could handle on its own, so we had to roll our own logic around supervisor. Here’s some code:

// misc setup stuff
const createRequestInfoFile = () => (
        JSON.stringify({start: new Date()}),

const touchRestartFile = () => writeFileSync(RESTART_FILE_PATH, new Date());

const needsToRestartRRS = async () => {
    const rrsRequestInfo = await safeReadJSONFile(RRS_REQUEST_INFO_PATH);

    if (!rrsRequestInfo.lastRequest) {
        return false;

    const timeDelta = Date.parse(rrsRequestInfo.lastRequest) - Date.parse(rrsRequestInfo.start);

    return Number.isNaN(timeDelta) || timeDelta > 0;

const watchSourceFiles = () => {
    let isReady = false;

        .on('ready', () => (isReady = true))

        .on('all', async () => {
            if (isReady && await needsToRestartRRS()) {

const isDynamicMode = shouldServeDynamic();
const supervisorArgs = [
    '--extensions', extname(RESTART_FILE_PATH).slice(1),

    ...(isDynamicMode ? ['--watch', RESTART_FILE_PATH] : ['--ignore', '.']),
const rrsArgs = [
    '--port', '8991',
    '--address', '',
    '--request-info-path', RRS_REQUEST_INFO_PATH,

if (isDynamicMode) {

    [...supervisorArgs, '--', RRS_PATH, ...rrsArgs],
        // make the spawned process run as if it's in the main process
        stdio: 'inherit',
        shell: true,

In short we:

  1. Create __request.json and initialize it with a start timestamp.
  2. Pass the _request.json file to RRS to update it with the lastRequest timestamp every time an app bundle is rendered.
  3. Use chokidar directly to watch the source files.
  4. Check to see if the lastRequest timestamp is after the start timestamp when the source files change and touch a __restart.watch file if that is the case. This means we have the app bundle cached because we’ve rendered an app bundle after the server was last restarted.
  5. Set up supervisor to only watch the __restart.watch file. That way, we restart the server only when all of our conditions are met.
  6. Recreate and reinitialize the __request.json file when the server restarts, and start the process again.

All of our server-side rendering happens through our Django backend. That’s where we’ve been receiving the timeout errors when react-render-server is unreachable by Django. So, in development only, we also added 5 retry attempts separated by 250 milliseconds if the request failed because Django couldn’t connect to the react-render-server.

The results are in

Because we had the “rapid file saver” with which to test, we were able to leverage it to verify all of the fixes. We ran the “rapid file saver” for hours, and Webpack kept humming along without a hiccup. We analyzed Docker’s memory over time as we reloaded pages and re-rendered apps and saw that the memory remained constant as expected. The memory issues were gone!

Even though we were once again restarting the server on file changes, the react-render-server connection issues were gone. There were some corner cases where the site would automatically refresh and not be able to connect, but those situations were few and far between.

Coming up next

Now that we finished our detour of a major bug we’ll return to the next milestone towards apps that can be developed and deployed independently.

The next step in our goal towards “micro-apps” is to give each application autonomy and control with its own package.json and dependencies. The benefit is that upgrading a dependency with a breaking change doesn’t require fixing all 30+ apps at once; now each app can move at its own pace.

We need to solve two main technical challenges with this new setup:

  • how to prevent each app from having to manage its infrastructure, and
  • what to do with the massive, unversioned, shared common/ folder that all apps use

We’re actively working on this project right now, so we’ll share how it turns out when we’re finished. In the meantime, we’d love to hear if you’ve had any similar challenges and how you tackled the problem. Let us know in the comments or ping me directly on Twitter at @benmvp.

Photo by Sasikan Ulevik on Unsplash

The Quest for React Micro-Apps: Single App Mode

Eventbrite’s React applications are a single React app with many entry points. To improve the development experience for both backend and frontend engineers, we implemented a single application mode (codenamed SAM) in our local environments. Whenever the React Docker container boots, it downloads and statically serves a set of pre-built assets for all of the React applications so that Webpack compilation never has to run.

Using a settings file, developers can indicate that they would like to run only their app in an active development mode. Having this feature was another significant milestone towards the quest for micro-apps. Backend engineers no longer have to wait for Webpack to set up to compile and recompile files that they will never change, and frontend developers only need to run Webpack for their app.

The post you are reading is the second in a series entitled The Quest for Micro-Apps detailing how our Frontend Platform team is decoupling our React apps from themselves and our Django monolith application. We are going to do it by creating Micro-Apps so that we can develop and deploy independently. If you haven’t already, check out the Introduction that provided background and overall goals for the project.

A little background

Our React apps are universal apps: they render both client-side in the browser and server-side in Node. Also, as mentioned in the introduction, we have just one single React application with an entry point for every app, which is how we get the different bundles to use for the different apps.

We use Docker for our development environment, which runs many, many containers to spin up a local version of all of eventbrite.com. One of these containers is our React container that contains all of the React apps. When the container starts, it spawns two Webpack processes that watch for source code changes. The server-side render requests consume the Node bundles that the first task writes to disk. The second process is a webpack-dev-server process, which creates in-memory bundles and reloads the page once new changes are compiled.

The growth problem

This setup worked fine when we initially created this infrastructure over a year ago, and we had less than a dozen apps; the processes ran quickly and development felt very responsive. However, a year later, the number of apps had nearly tripled, and the development environment was starting to feel sluggish, not only for the frontend developers who are living in React-land but also for the backend developers who never touch our React stack.

Our backend engineers developing APIs, working on the monolith, or merely browsing the site locally were spawning those same two Webpack watchers even though they weren’t making any JavaScript changes. Our backend devs were also waiting for the Webpack processes to perform their initial compilation at container start, which wasted a good amount of time. The container was also eating up a lot of memory watching for file changes that would never happen. Backend devs didn’t need Webpack running at all, just for the local site to work.

It was not just the backend devs who were hurting. Because all of the React apps were just a single app with many entry points, we were recompiling the entire app every time a change happened. When a dev made a change to their app, Webpack had to follow all of the other 29 entry points to see if their Node and webpack-dev-server bundles needed to be recreated as well. Why should they have to wait when they only cared about changes to their app? Webpack is smart about knowing what has changed, but it was still doing a whole lot of unnecessary work. Furthermore, at the container start, we were still waiting for the initial Webpack compilation to build all of the other apps, in addition to the one we were working on.

Static apps to the rescue

Our proposed solution was to enable a “static mode” in our development environment. By default, everyone would load the same bundled assets that are used in our continuous integration (CI) server. In this case, we wouldn’t need webpack-dev-server running; we could use a simple static Express server for serving assets. This new approach would greatly benefit our backend engineers who weren’t writing React code.

A developer would have to opt-in to run their app(s) in “dynamic mode.” However, the Webpack processes would only watch specific app(s), significantly reducing the amount of work they would need to do. This approach would greatly benefit our frontend engineers who were working on only an app or two at a time.

Single Application Mode (codenamed SAM) also fit into our long-term strategy of micro-apps. We still want developers to be able to browse the entire site in their local development environment even when all of the React applications are independently developed and deployable. Enabling this mode means that most or all of the local site has to be able to run in “static mode,” similar to a quality assurance (QA) environment. So this milestone not only allows us to break up this mega project but also increases developer productivity while we journey towards the end goal.

How we made it happen

As mentioned in the introduction, this entire endeavor is about replacing the existing infrastructure while it’s still running. Our goal is zero downtime due to bugs or rollbacks. This means that we have to move in smaller phases than if we were just building it greenfield. Phase 1 of this project introduced the concept of “static mode,” but it was disabled by default and it was all-or-nothing; you couldn’t single out specific apps. Once we tested and verified everything was working, we enabled “static mode” by default in Phase 2. After that was successful in the wild, we added “single-application mode” (SAM) in Phase 3.

Phase 0: CI setup

Before anything began, we needed to augment our current CI setup in Jenkins. To run in “static mode,” we decided to use the production assets built for our CI server in our development environment. This way, developers could easily replicate the information in our QA environment within their development environments.

When the code is merged to master, a Jenkins job builds the production assets and uploads a tarball (a package of files compressed with gzip) to the cloud with the build id in its name. Every hour, the latest tarball is downloaded and unpacked on a specific QA machine to create our CI environment.

That tarball is massive because it includes every bit of CSS and JavaScript for the entire site. It takes many minutes to download and unpack the tarball, so we couldn’t use it to seed our development environment. Instead, we created a new tarball of just our React bundles for quicker downloading and unpacking.

Phase 1: All dynamic by default

Then we began building the actual system. It relies on a git-ignored settings.json file that has a configuration for how the system should work:

    "apps": null,
    "buildIdOverride": "",
    "__lastSuccessfulQABuildTime": "2018-06-22T21:31:49.361Z",
    "__lastSuccessfulQABuildId": "12345-master-cfda2b6"

Every time the react container starts, it reads the settings.json file and the apps property that indicates static versus dynamic mode. If the settings.json file doesn’t exist, it gets auto-created with null as the value for the apps property. One or more app names within the apps array means dynamic mode, while an empty array means static mode, and null means use the default.

If the settings file indicates static mode, we retrieve the latest QA tarball stored in the cloud and unpack it locally where the Webpack compiled bundles would have been. We choose the latest build on QA instead of the HEAD of master so that what’s running locally will match what’s currently running on QA. The __lastSuccessfulQABuildTime and __lastSuccessfulQABuildId properties are logging information written out in static mode to help with later debugging.

Now, instead of running webpack-dev-server, we just run a static Express server to serve all of the static bundle assets. Because our server-side React renderer is already reading bundles written to disk by the second Webpack process, it doesn’t have to change at all because now those bundles just happen to come from the tarball.

Here’s the gist of the Docker start script:

(async () => {
    // create settings.json file w/ default settings if it doesn't exist yet

    // fetch prebuilt bundles from cloud, use `--no-fetch` to bypass
    if (!process.argv.includes('--no-fetch')) {
        try {
            await spawnProcess('yarn fetch:static');
        } catch(e) {

    if (shouldServeDynamic()) {
        // run webpack in normal development mode
        spawnProcess('yarn dev');
    } else {
        // run static server to serve prebuilt bundles
        spawnProcess('yarn serve:static');

A developer can also select a specific tarball with the buildIdOverride property instead of using the most recent QA tarball. This is a rarely used feature, but comes in handy when needing to test out a release candidate (RC) build (or any other build) locally.

The key with this phase was minimal disruption. To start things off, we defaulted to dynamic mode, the existing way things worked. If any app was listed (i.e. apps was non-empty), we would run all the apps in the dynamic mode, using Webpack to compile the changes.

When this released, everything worked the same as before. Most folks didn’t even realize that the settings.json file was being created. We found some key stakeholders to explicitly enable static mode and worked out the kinks for about a week before moving on to Phase 2.

Phase 2: All static by default

After we felt confident that the static mode system worked, we wanted to make static mode the default, the huge win for the backend engineers. First we announced it in our weekly Frontend Guild meeting and asked all the frontend developers to start explicitly listing the names of their app(s) in the apps property within the settings.json file. This way when we flipped the switch from dynamic-by-default to static-by-default, their environment would continue to run in dynamic mode.

    "apps": ["playground"],
    "buildIdOverride": "",
    "__lastSuccessfulQABuildTime": "2018-06-22T21:31:49.361Z",
    "__lastSuccessfulQABuildId": "eventbrite-25763-master_16.04-c1d32bb"

It was at this point that we wished we had a feature flag or rollout system for our development infrastructure, like the feature flag system we have for the site where we can slowly roll out features to end users. It would’ve been nice to be able to turn on static-by-default to a small percentage of devs and slowly ramp up to 100%. That way we could handle bugs before they affected all developers.

Without such a system, we had to make the code change that enabled static mode as the default and just hope that we had adequately tested it! Now any developer who hadn’t specified an app name (or names) in their settings.json would get static mode the next time their React container restarted. We ran into a few edge case problems, but nothing major. After about a week or two, we resolved them all and moved on to Phase 3.

Phase 3: Single-application mode (SAM)

Single-application mode (codenamed SAM) was the actual feature we wanted. Instead of having to choose between all-dynamic or all-static, we started reading the apps property to determine which apps to run in dynamic mode while leaving the rest in static mode.

Before in all-dynamic mode, we determined the entry points by finding all of the subfolders within the src folder that had an index.js entry point. Now with single-application mode, we just read the apps property in settings.json to determine the entry points. All other apps are run in static mode.

 * returns an object with appName as key and appPath as string value to be consumed by webpack entry key
const getEntries = () => {
    const appNames = getSettings().apps || [];
    const appPaths = appNames.map((appName) => path.resolve(__dirname, appName, 'index.js'))
        .filter((filePath) => fs.existsSync(filePath));

    if (_.isEmpty(appPaths)) {
        throw new Error('There are no legitimate apps to compile in your entries file. Please check your settings.json file');

    const entries = appPaths
        .reduce((entryHash, appPath) => {
            const appName = path.basename(path.dirname(appPath));

            return {
                [appName]: appPath,
        }, {});

    return entries;

Before single-application mode, we ran a simple Express server for all-static and webpack-dev-server for all-dynamic. With SAM we have a mixture of both modes. However, we cannot run both servers on a single port. So we decided to only use webpack-dev-server and add middleware that would determine whether or not the incoming request was for an app running in dynamic or static mode. If it’s a static mode request, we just stream the file from the file system; if it’s a dynamic request we route to the appropriate webpack-dev-server using http-proxy-middleware.

const appNames = getSettings().apps || [];

// Object of app names and their corresponding ports to be ran on
const portMap = appNames.reduce((portMap, appName, index) => ({
    [appName]: STARTING_PORT + index,
}), {});

// Object of proxy servers, used to route incoming traffic to the appropriate client dev server
const proxyMap = appNames.reduce((proxyMap, appName) => ({
    [appName]: proxyMiddleware({
        target: `${SERVER_HOST}:${portMap[appName]}`,
}), {});

// call each workspace's <code>yarn start</code> command to kick off their respective webpack processes
appNames.forEach((appName) => {
    spawnProcess(<code>yarn workspace ${appName} start ${portMap[appName]}</code>);

const app = express();

// Setup proxy for every appName in settings. All devMode content requests will be
// forwarded through these proxies to their corresponding webpack-dev-servers
app.use((req, res, next) => {
    const appName = path.parse(req.originalUrl).name.split('.')[0];

    if (proxyMap[appName]) {
        return proxyMap[appName](req, res, {});


// by default serve static bundles
app.use(ASSET_PATH, express.static(BUNDLES_PATH));

// start the static server


Issues are likely to arise with any significant change, and the change for developers to only run their app in dynamic mode was huge. Here are a couple of issues we encountered that you can hopefully avoid.

The Common Chunk

Because all of our different apps were just entry points in one big monolith app, we were able to leverage Webpack’s CommonChunkPlugin to create a shared bundle that contains the common dependencies between all of the apps. That way when our users moved between apps, after visiting the first app, they would only have to download app-specific code. Even though this is a production optimization, we built the common chunk in our development environment with webpack-dev-server as well.

Unfortunately, the common chunk broke when multiple apps were specified. Although it’s called SAM (single-application mode), the system supports specifying multiple applications that developers would like to run in dynamic mode simultaneously. While we tested that multiple apps worked in SAM, we did the majority of our testing with just one application, which is the common use case.

We include this common chunk in the tarball that gets downloaded, unpacked, and read in static mode. However, when running two apps in dynamic mode, the local common chunk would only consist of the commonalities between the two apps, not all 30+. So using the statically built common chunk caused errors in those apps running in dynamic mode.

Our initial fix was to update the webpack-dev-server middleware to also handle requests for the common chunk. However, this swung the pendulum in the opposite direction. It fixed the common chunk problem for multiple dynamic apps, but now all of the static apps were no longer using the statically built common chunk. They were using the locally built dynamic common chunk. So now all the static apps were broken.

In the end, since the common chunk is a production optimization, we elected to get rid of it in dynamic dev mode. So now no matter how many apps a developer specifies in the apps property of the settings.json, they won’t get a common chunk. However, we still need to keep the common chunk for the static mode apps for now, since the QA environment builds the apps where the common chunk still exists.

“Which mode am I in?”

Another issue we ran into wasn’t a bug, but a consequence of introducing static mode: developers didn’t know which mode they were in. Some backend developers weren’t even aware there was a static mode to begin with; they would try to make changes to an app and wonder why their changes weren’t being reflected. The problem was exacerbated when we introduced SAM in Phase 3 because one app would update while another would not. The Frontend Platform team found ourselves troubleshooting a lot of issues that ultimately were rooted in the fact that the engineer didn’t know which mode they were in.

The solution was to add an overlay message to the base HTML template that all the apps shared. It reads the settings.json file and determines which mode the currently displaying app is in, including the app name. If the app is in static mode it mentions how long it has been since its last refresh.

If the app is in the dynamic mode, it says “webpack dev mode.”

It turned out that mentioning the app name was also crucial because if a dev needed to work on a page that wasn’t their own, they wouldn’t always know which app needed updating.

The results are in

Our hypotheses about the benefits of the project panned out. We started hearing fewer and fewer issues from our backend engineers about the React container failing to boot. Less troubleshooting meant more time for development. Unfortunately, we don’t collect any metrics on individual engineers’ development environments so we don’t have any hard numbers on how much faster the container booted before nor the decrease in memory usage.

The biggest win for the frontend engineers was the reduction in Webpack recompile time when making changes to files. Previously Webpack traversed through all of the entry points, and now it only has to look at one (or however many the developer indicates in settings.json). The rebuild time was 2x or 3x faster, and we received lots of positive feedback.

So even though the SAM project was just a milestone in the overall endeavor to enable Micro-Apps, we were able to deliver lots of value to teams in the interim.

Coming up next

Late last year we started hearing some mysterious, but sparse reports from one or two frontend engineers that at some point Webpack would stop rebuilding when they were making changes. Over time as the engineering team added more apps and more Docker containers, the problem grew to affect almost all frontend engineers. It was even happening to us on the Frontend Platform Team.

We suspected it to be a memory issue, but we weren’t sure the source. We crossed our fingers hoping that the SAM project would fix the issue, but we were still able to trigger the problem even when only running a single app. Things were still on fire, and we realized that we couldn’t move forward with the quest for Micro-Apps until we resolved the instability issues. Any new features wouldn’t have the desired impact if the overall system was still unstable.

In the third post in the series, I will cover this topic in detail. In the meantime, have you ever managed a similar system? Did you face similar challenges? Different challenges? Let us know in the comments or ping me directly on Twitter at @benmvp.

The Quest for React Micro-Apps: The Beginning

Eventbrite’s site started as a typical mid-2000s monolith server rendered application. Although we recently moved into a React stack, we have experienced a lack of flexibility, coupling, and scale issues.

The Frontend Platform team wants to give developer teams autonomy, flexibility, and most importantly ownership of their apps so that they can move at the pace they need to provide value to our users. We have a vision: we want to get to a world where each React application can be both developed and deployed individually. In short, we want micro-apps. In this blog post series, we relate our quest for this vision, so keep on reading!

It’s been a long journey

Eventbrite built its website in the mid-2000s before the concept of a JAMstack (sites built solely on JavaScript, APIs, and Markup) was ever a thing. As a result, the site was a typical monolith application where the backend code (Python) rendered the frontend (HTML) to generate a website. In modern web architecture, we now create an entirely separate API/services layer so that there can be other data consumers, such as mobile apps or external developers.

Later on the frontend, we sprinkled in some jQuery for light client-side interactions. Once we needed more sophisticated experiences, we started using Backbone (and then Marionette). Then in early 2016, the Frontend Platform team added a React-based stack, with the hope of deprecating the legacy jQuery and Backbone apps over time.

Eventbrite isn’t one SPA (single-page application), but a collection of many applications. Sometimes an application is as big as a whole section of the site, like Event Creation/Management or Search & Browse, and other times it’s just a single admin page. In all cases, however, they are universal React apps rendered both server- and client-side.

If you’re interested in how we accomplished server-side rendering with our Django backend, take a look at a talk I gave last year on it:

Not always sunny

Although we’re moving more server-side logic into microservices accessible via the Eventbrite APIv3, our React apps are still tied to the core monolith in many unfortunate ways:

React Server-side rendering

We render server-side through our Django monolith (watch the video for more details), so the Django layer makes calls to the microservices directly to retrieve initial data. These calls are mimicked in JavaScript for subsequent client-side data retrieval.

Django HTML templates

The HTML templates used to hydrate the React apps initially are in Django-land, so all the data and environment information (locale and other context) have to come from the monolith.

Same repository

Because of the reasons above, to create a React application, you also need to create some Django scaffolding, including routing. As a result, the React apps live in the same repo as the core monolith so that developers wouldn’t have to try to keep two separate-yet-not-separate repositories in sync.

Shared package.json

Our React apps themselves aren’t truly separate. They are technically multiple entry points within a single React monolith that have a single package.json and shared bundling, transpilation, and linting configurations. If one team wants to change a dependency for their app, they need to ensure it doesn’t break the 29 others.

Cross-app dependencies

Because all of the apps come together under one single app, we can import components and utilities across applications. We’ve tried to actively discourage this, but it still happens. Instead, we’ve advised teams to put shared dependencies in the (unversioned) “common” folder.

Constant vigilance

The Frontend Platform team currently oversees the dependencies that all the apps use. We need to ensure development teams don’t accidentally back us into a corner with a library choice that prevents us from moving the platform forward in the future. We also need to make sure that those apps not actively being developed do not break with dependency changes.

Unscalable architecture

If the number of our development teams doubled, everything would probably grind to a halt. Eventbrite already has development teams in three continents across four time zones, so the status quo won’t scale.

We have a vision

We need to give teams autonomy, flexibility, and most importantly ownership of their apps so that they can move at the pace they need to provide value to our users.

We have a vision: we want to get to a world where each React application can be both developed and deployed individually; we want micro-apps. For development, devs wouldn’t need the rest of the site running. They could just build their app on their local machine talking to APIs running on our QA environment. Moreover, for deployment, the entire site wouldn’t need to be deployed to deliver new code to our users for a specific app. However, while the apps are independent, they must still feel cohesive and consistent with the rest of eventbrite.com for our end users.

Micro-apps aren’t a novel idea in the industry, but we believe that it will be immensely transformational for us.

Our quest

The thing is, the Frontend Platform team can’t just disappear for 6+ months and come back with a shiny new environment. It is too risky. It’s uncertain because the project is so massive. Moreover, it’s dangerous because it’s all or nothing. If at five months the company’s priorities change and we need to work on something more important, we would have five months of sunk cost.

So the plan is to rebuild the entire plane while it’s cruising at 36,000 feet. We’ll work on this project iteratively, breaking it down into smaller goals so that we can provide value frequently. It’d be like flying from SFO to JFK and midway through getting more legroom, free Wi-Fi, or lie-flat seats. We never want to be too far from a place where we can pause the project to work on something of greater importance. If all you got during the flight was the legroom and Wi-Fi, that would be better than having to wait for another flight to get all three.

You may have noticed that I haven’t been speaking in the past tense but in the present. That’s because we’re not done! We want to share our learnings as we go; not just the technology, but also the logistics and processes behind it. We want to share what worked, what didn’t, and what challenges we faced in hopes that you will be able to learn from what we’ve accomplished in real time.

We’re applying the same iterative approach to this series, so I’m not quite sure how many posts there will be. The team has a rough breakdown of the milestones that we want to hit and the value they provide. However, there may not be a one-to-one mapping between milestones and articles.

In any event, let’s kick things off with Part 1: Single App Mode.

Learning ES6: Generators as Iterators


I feel like all the articles in the Learning ES6 series have been leading up to generators. They really are the feature most JavaScript developers are excited about in ECMAScript 6. They very well may be the future of asynchronous programming in JavaScript. That’s definitely something to get excited about!

Generators can be used both as data producers and data consumers. In this post, we’re going to look at how generator functions are a much more convenient way to produce data and and create iterators. It’s the simpler way to use generators. In the last article we covered iterators & iterables, so you may need to familiarize yourself with that before looking at generators as iterators.


A generator function is a special type of function that when invoked automatically generates a special iterator, called a generator object. Generator functions are indicated by function* and make use of the yield operator to indicate the value to return for each successive call to .next() on the generator.

function* range(start, count) {
    for (let delta = 0; delta < count; delta++) {
        yield start + delta;

for (let teenageYear of range(13, 7)) {
    console.log(`Teenage angst @ ${teenageYear}!`);

Feel free to clone the Learning ES6 Github repo and take a look at the generators code examples page showing them off in greater detail.

With out further ado, let’s keep reading.

Continue reading “Learning ES6: Generators as Iterators”

Learning ES6: Iterators & iterables


We’ve talked about promises and new collection APIs, so now we’re finally going to talk about iterators & iterables. They’ve come up in passing in the last couple of posts, so it’s about time we talk about them deeply.


Iterators provide a simple way to return a (potentially unbounded) sequence of values. The @@iterator symbol is used to define default iterators for objects, making them an iterable.

Continue reading “Learning ES6: Iterators & iterables”

Learning ES6: New Collections


Let’s continue focusing on the new functionality introduced with ES6 in the Learning ES6 series. The main focus in the next few articles will be all about asynchronous programming. We’ll ultimately talk about generators, but there are a few building blocks we need to get through first. The new collections we’ll talk about now aren’t really building blocks for generators, but I feel that they are important to learn. In addition, they are types of iterables which we’ll deep dive into in the next article.


ES6 introduces four new efficient collection data structures to mitigate our ab-use of object and array literals.

Continue reading “Learning ES6: New Collections”

Learning ES6: Promises

Pinky Swear

Like clockwork the Learning ES6 series continues on, looking at promises. It will be the first feature we’ve looked at in this series that really is more than syntactic sugar. But promises aren’t entirely new to JavaScript. They’ve existed for quite some time in helper libraries. ECMAScript 6 now brings native promise support to JavaScript via the Promise API. Let’s jump right in!


A promise represents the eventual result of an asynchronous operation. Instead of registering a callback in the call to an async function, the function returns a promise. The caller registers callbacks with the promise to receive either a promise’s eventual value from the async operation or the reason why the promise cannot be fulfilled.

// Creating a promise wrapper for setTimeout
function wait(delay = 0) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        setTimeout(resolve, delay);

// Using a promise
    .then(() => {
        console.log('3 seconds have passed!');
        return wait(2000);
    .then(() => {
    	console.log('5 seconds have passed!');
    	x++; // ReferenceError triggers `catch`
    .catch(error => {
    	// output: ReferenceError
    .then(() => {
    	// simulate `finally` clause
    	console.log('clean up');

Did you notice the use of default parameters and arrow functions too? If you’re unfamiliar with those ES6 features, you should check out the articles detailing how they work. Interested in learning more about ES6 promises? Clone the Learning ES6 Github repo and take a look at the promises code examples page showing off the features in greater detail.

Well you’ve come this far. You might as well keep going!

Continue reading “Learning ES6: Promises”

Learning ES6: Classes


We’re going from enhanced object literals that look a lot like classes to actual classes in ES6. We’ll learn, however, that these aren’t really classes, but syntactic sugar over the existing prototype functions in JavaScript. Let’s continue on with the Learning ES6 series series!


ECMAScript 6 provides syntactic sugar over the prototype-based, object-oriented pattern in JavaScript. ES6 classes provide support for constructors, instance and static methods, (prototype-based) inheritance, and super calls. Instance and static properties are not (yet) supported.

// Define base Note class
class Note {
	constructor(id, content, owner) {
		this._id = id;
		this._content = content;
		this._owner = owner;

	static add(...properties) {
		// `this` will be the class on which
		// `add()` was called increment counter

		let id = `note${this._idCounter}`;

		// construct a new instance of the note passing in the
		// arguments after the ID. This is so subclasses can
		// get all of the arguments needed
		let note = new this(id, ...properties);

		// add note to the lookup by ID
		this._noteLookup[id] = note;

		return note;

	static get(id) {
		return this._noteLookup[id];

	// read-only
	get id() { return this._id; }

	get content() { return this._content; }
	set content(value) { this._content = value; }

	get owner() { return this._owner; }
	set owner(value) { this._owner = value; }

	toString() {
		return `ID: ${this._id}
			Content: ${this._content}
			Owner: ${this._owner}`;

// Static "private" properties (not yet supported in class syntax)
Note._idCounter = -1;
Note._noteLookup = {};

class ColorNote extends Note {
	constructor(id, content, owner, color='#ff0000') {
		// super constructor must be called first!
		super(id, content, owner);
		this._color = color;

	get color() { return this._color; }
	set color(value) { this._color = value; }

	toString() {  // computed method names are supported
		// Override `toString()`, but call parent/super version
		// first
		return `${super.toString()}
			Color: ${this._color}`;

// `add` factory method is defined on `Note`, but accessible
// on ColorNote subclass
let colorNote = ColorNote.add('My note', 'benmvp', '#0000ff');

// output: ID: note0
// Content: My Note
// Owner: benmvp
// Color: #0000ff

// output: true
console.log(Note.get('note0') === colorNote);

This is just a quick example of how ES6 classes work. Be sure to clone the Learning ES6 Github repo and take a look at the classes code examples page showing off the features in greater detail.

The example also uses default parameters, rest parameters, and the spread operator so you may want to revisit the relevant articles if you’re not familiar. It also makes use of template strings for string interpolation, so you should read up on that as well.

Continue reading “Learning ES6: Classes”

Learning ES6: Enhanced Object Literals


Wow, we’re making some good progress covering ECMAScript 6 features in this Learning ES6 series series. We most recently covered template literals and arrow functions. Now we zero in on the enhancements to object literals, another piece of ES6 syntactic sugar.


ECMAScript 6 makes declaring object literals even more succinct by providing shorthand syntax for initializing properties from variables and defining function methods. It also enables the ability to have computed property keys in an object literal definition.

function getCar(make, model, value) {
	return {
		// with property value shorthand
		// syntax, you can omit the property
		// value if key matches variable
		// name
		make,  // same as make: make
		model, // same as model: model
		value, // same as value: value

		// computed values now work with
		// object literals
		['make' + make]: true,

		// Method definition shorthand syntax
		// omits `function` keyword & colon
		depreciate() {
			this.value -= 2500;

let car = getCar('Kia', 'Sorento', 40000);

// output: {
//     make: 'Kia',
//     model:'Sorento',
//     value: 40000,
//     depreciate: function()
// }


// output: 37500

The enhanced object literals code examples page has many more examples showing off each feature in more detail. There are also some ES6 katas for testing your ES6 enhanced object literal knowledge.

Continue on for more details!

Continue reading “Learning ES6: Enhanced Object Literals”

Learning ES6: Arrow Functions

right arrow sign

So far in the Learning ES6 series, we’ve looked at block scoping, default parameters, destructuring, rest & spread operators, for-of operator, and template literals. Today let’s continue the series to learn about arrow functions, a.k.a. “fat arrow” functions.


Arrow functions are more or less a shorthand form of anonymous function expressions that already exist in JavaScript. In ES6 this looks like:

let squares = [1, 2, 3].map(x => x * x);

Is equivalent to this in ES5:

var squares = [1, 2, 3].map(function (x) {
	return x * x;

As you can see a lot of the verbosity of old-style function expressions is removed and what’s left is the fat arrow (=>) joining the two main ingredients of the function: the arguments and function body.

You’ll find the greatest utility in arrow functions in places where functions take an anonymous callback function, like event handlers (such as onClick, $.ajax, etc.) and array processors (such as map, sort, etc.)

Interested in learning about arrow functions in more detail? Feel free to check out the arrow functions code examples page, which shows off the features in great detail. You can also try your hand at ES6 katas to see how much you’ve really learned.

Let’s keep going!

Continue reading “Learning ES6: Arrow Functions”