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Attending an event

Find your tickets

When you order tickets on Eventbrite, a confirmation is sent to the email address you entered for the order. This article will explain where to find your ticket, what to do if it's missing, and what information is included with a ticket.

In this article

  • Where to find your tickets
  • Why tickets might be missing
  • What to do if your tickets are missing
  • What information is included on your tickets

Where to find your tickets

Your email inbox: Search your inbox for an email from noreply@order.eventbrite.com

Your Eventbrite account: When you register for an event, Eventbrite automatically creates an account associated with your email address. Log in using the same email address and select “Tickets” from the dropdown in your Eventbrite account. 

The Eventbrite app:

  • iPhone: Log in and tap the ‘Tickets’ icon.

  • Android: Log in and tap the ‘Profile’ icon. Then find your order and tap the ‘Tickets’ icon.

Why tickets might be missing

  • Incorrect email address: You’re logged into Eventbrite using a different email address than what you used to place the order or there’s a typo in the email address. 

  • Email deliverability: The confirmation was sent to your junk/spam folder or was unable to be delivered.

  • The organizer disabled PDF tickets: The order appears in your account, but you get an error when you try to print tickets.

What to do if your tickets are missing

Contact the event organizer to have them look up your order and resend your confirmation email.

What information is included on your tickets

Eventbrite tickets include: 

  • Event name, date, and location 

  • Your name, ticket type, and order number. 

Eventbrite tickets do not include: 

  • Specific event details

  • Links needed to view/attend online events. 

If you need information about an event or a link to join an online event, contact the event organizer.

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