Emails, phone calls, Facebook messages, good old-fashioned letters. Nowadays, there are countless ways to communicate with potential campaign supporters. But none of them hold quite the same power as face-to-face conversation. Think about it: you’d probably be much more likely to donate money to a cause after shaking hands with the campaigner and hearing their story first-hand.

Live events allow you to make this type of priceless, personal connection with new and existing supporters at a larger scale. You can tell contributors what your project means to you in your own words, inspiring them with personal stories. You can hear comments, questions, and words of encouragement straight from the source. And after your campaign is over, you can thank contributors by showing them the impact of their support.

Events have the power to bring your campaign to life.

If you’re not sure exactly how to use events to support your crowdfunding campaign, don’t worry! Here are some ideas from Eventbrite, a self-service event-planning platform and expert in live events. Read on for some creative ideas for events you can throw throughout your campaign.

Launching Your Campaign

Host a kick-off event. Get your campaign off the ground with an interactive event. You’ll build awareness of your campaign while engaging directly with potential contributors. Here are a couple of ways to use kick-off events:

  • Let your contributors meet the faces and names behind your work.Kick-off events like launch parties are a great opportunity for prospective contributors to learn more about your organization and meet the people behind your project. Tell them why you’ve decided to start a crowdfunding initiative, and show them some of the work you’ve already done.  For example, if you’re gathering support to launch a new tech product, give prospective contributors a chance to play around with it and be amazed by what it can do. If you’re raising funds to distribute a film, host a screening and give your attendees the red carpet treatment.
  • Enlist your network to raise funds on the spot. Treat your attendees to a good time while also using the event to ask them for help. Have attendees reach out to their network to gather fundraising support for your cause. The personal interaction will help create a sense of community and teamwork, and you’ll grow your network—and funds— in the process.

Regardless of what shape your kick-off event takes, you’ll want to make sure to stay on top of your RSVPs. Knowing who’s coming to your event will make it a whole lot easier to plan everything from seating arrangements to how much food you’ll need. If you throw your event on Eventbrite, you can easily track who’s coming, and even get to know your attendees better through custom questions on your event page. This is a great way to find out if anyone has food allergies or has any other special requests.

During Your Campaign

Use live events as perks. Incentivize contributions by hosting a can’t-miss event that lets supporters see the impact of their dollars. By sprinkling in exclusive experiences for potential or existing contributors, your event becomes a perk in itself. Here are some ideas to spice up your “perky” events:

  • Throw exclusive events and treat contributors like VIPs. Create a premium experience for your contributors. The special attention will delight them, and give you even more opportunities to mix and mingle with this valuable crowd. Say you’re raising funds for a dance performance: you can offer VIP seats to high-value contributors, and give them access to the performers for a special behind-the-scenes look at your project. Or say you’re raising dollars to distribute a new cookbook: host an exclusive dinner party highlighting your recipes, and give guests a chance to interact with the chef.Take advantage of the enthusiasm stirred up at your event by bringing a laptop or iPad so you can collect funds from contributors right then and there.
  • Give your contributors an inside look at where their dollars are going.Share the progress of your crowdfunded product, space, or program while making contributors feel special. For example, if you’re raising dollars for a new arts studio, hold an event in your brand new space so your contributors can be the first to enjoy it.
  • Host a creatively-themed event that ties to your campaign. Have a little fun with your event by incorporating a theme. Are you crowdfunding the manufacture of a new high-tech dog collar? Throw a puppy-themed party! Raising money to put on a play about space travel? Weave in totally “out there” space-age decor.

After Your Campaign

Throw an event to show the impact of your campaign. You’ll be able to thank your supporters for all they’ve done, nurture and grow new relationships for future campaigns, and most importantly, celebrate all your hard work.

You can host a wrap party and incorporate tangible examples of the impact your contributors’ dollars have had. For example, if you’re wrapping up a community outreach program, host a photo or film exhibit that documents the people the initiative has touched.

International Humanitarian Organization and Indiegogo crowdfunder Good Neighbors did just that with their post-campaign Eventbrite event, “Coffee Meets Water”. The photography and film exhibition raised awareness with an audience that reached far beyond existing campaign contributors to keep momentum going for their future initiatives.

“Events are an impactful way to showcase how we use our funds and explain to others what we do.  These events help us nurture donor relationships and grow new supporters. By collecting RSVPs through Eventbrite, we grew our network of contacts for future campaigns.”  

– Nellie Kim, Campaign Manager, Good Neighbors USA

Events bring your campaign to life.

Whether it’s a launch party, a way to keep donations coming in the door, or a post-campaign follow-up, events have the power to get your campaign the attention it deserves. There’s nothing like face-to-face interaction with the people behind a project to motivate donations and create lasting relationships with supporters.

Want to know more about how Eventbrite works? Mosey on over to this page to get the scoop.